Sunday, December 23, 2007

I did one of those 7 facts about myself things because my aunt, Megan, tagged me. It turned out somewhat depressing I think, although you may not think so.

click here to read it.

Friday, December 7, 2007

A lot is going on. I felt really terrible when I came on here to post this, and let everyone know I'm alright, and I had to sign in again. I hadn't been on here in so long it had not logged me in automatically.

It's been a while. I'm sorry I haven't posted. My band had to kick our singer out, and so a lot has been going on with that. More creative freedoms for us musicians have been opened, though, now that we don't have to cater to the numerous needs of our previous singer. We're hoping once we find the perfect new voice, we can start recording the 7 songs we've been working on. It's very exciting.

Also, I've been working on a new movie. We started filming it during the week of Thanksgiving (week of nov. 22nd for anyone not in America) and have since decided to break it into smaller sections that we can film and release as an online episodic series.

And on top of all that; school. With Christmas break quickly approaching, I assume I will have less and less time to do anything artistic. Then once the break starts, I will try to take as many pictures as I can. I really want to keep this going, it just may not be as frequently as I always hope.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

oh, and an added bonus today!

I made this from a bunch of the pictures of our band jumping from yesterday.

From left to right: Nathan - Piano, Mat - Percussion/Lyrics, Gianni - Guitar/Some Percussion.

We're going to record again in two months, then we'll have some really good music on our band's page, but until then, it's just our early recordings, and they're not that good, so, In a couple months when we have some good songs up, I'll probably mention it again, until then, if you're in the Austin, TX area, come to one of our shows! We've been told we're a lot of fun to watch play live.



My band did a sort of "Photoshoot" yesterday at practice. I took the pictures. This is one of them. Don't look at it as art, but rather as what it is, a portrait of musicians, I think you'll enjoy it more if you do. (I'm the one on the right with the tambourine by the way)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sunset (In Two Parts)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Self Explanatory.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Truly Visual Medium...

I really liked how of Montreal made everything associated with going to see a band perform live into a truly visual art medium. Tons of make-up, crazy light shows, awesome cartoon loops playing on some projection screens, and this:

Their bass drum was even decked out for the occasion.

it was beautiful.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Final Fantasy!

Yesterday, along with tons of pictures, I also took tons of video. Only two had such bad sound quality I couldn't upload them. I realized later that it was the bass that was messing up my camera microphone, good thing Final Fantasy has a high pitched voice, and high pitched instrumentation.

An Actor's Revenge (Destroyer Cover) (The sound quality's pretty bad on this one)

An Actor's Revenge (Destroyer Cover) with Cadence Weapon and Daniel Bejar (aka Destroyer himself) (better sound quality, shaky video)

The CN Tower Belongs To The Dead (poor sound quality and shaky video)

He Poos Clouds [Just the second half] (One of the better quality sound recordings, the videos kinda shaky, but whatever...)

Hope you enjoyed them all!

Fun... CUBED!

I went to Fun Fun Fun Fest on Saturday. It was amazing. I can't even put into words the awesomeness that was of Montreal, let alone, the awesomeness of seeing "Final Fantasy" "MGMT" (pronounced as the letters, not "Management") "Okkervil River" "Brothers and Sisters" "White Denim" and "of Montreal" all in one day.

well, needless to say I captured a cornucopia of pictures, and here is just a taste. This is probably the best one I took of the bands, but I have some that I think are better of other stuff. Balloons, trashcans, etc. This one was taken when "of Montreal" was playing their grand finale song "Requiem For O.M.M.2" as you can see from the pictures, they wear make-up, costumes, and have a mind-blowing light show. They turn the act of seeing a live band into a true visual medium of art. I think this picture is pretty much the closest I came to capturing what it was like. It doesn't even meet halfway though. The show was just... wow.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

So, in a freak occurrence, the other morning when I went out to get the paper at 6 in the morning, there was a dense fog settled over everything (although it still felt like 80 degrees out)

So I took this picture.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

awwww.... where'd it go!?

I'm very sorry I haven't posted in a while, and I actually don't see myself posting in at least a few days after today and here is why:

I am completely creatively drained for three reasons, and those reasons are a) I have numerous other creative endeavors I've been working on including my band (which after just two months may have a very good chance of getting support from a severely indie record label here in Austin) b) I have a lot of schoolwork (by the time I'm done with my homework, while I want to do something creative, it's 10:00 at night, and I'm ready to sleep) and finally c) it's just too hot (this is a problem because, I find, I get a large portion of my inspiration from the weather, specifically the beauty of nature. When it's too hot for too long, everything seems very bland, everything seems the same, hot and sticky, and like nothing good is going on, whereas once colder months hit, I will again regain my inspiration through the way the trees look without leaves. Or the way the fog wraps around the curves of the road, and other obstacles, and the headlights emerging from the misty depths that is a cold foggy winter morning).

So, basically, I'm taking pictures, I'm just not thinking any of them are good enough to show to anyone.

I hope you understand, I'm not ignoring this, or forgetting about it, but until inspiration hits me once more, and the photos pour out, it seems to be on hold. Don't stop checking, check once a week, I may throw something up. As Anton Newcombe puts it in the documentary DiG! when asked if the city he moved to was creatively inspiring "I find it dismal" and that is exactly how I feel about the city I'm living in right now.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dead flower...

Friday, October 5, 2007

I was going to post a different picture today, but I gave my friend 15 of my pictures for a project he's working on, and he said this was his favorite. I had never posted it, I had never even thought twice about it, actually, because I thought it was kinda blurry, kinda weird. But he likes it, so here it is, perhaps you will like it as well.


And to make up for lost time these past few weeks:

The Front Line

I chose this title because it appears to me as if the clouds are the front line of an army charging towards their enemy (the sun)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

hello there. I hate two tests today (that was fun...)

I haven't been posting because I've been relaxing and recharging this week, and taking lots of pictures. here is one!


That is actually one of my favorite words: Autumn. That, and Indubitably, and falafel. The three best words in the English language. (although is falafel technically English?)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hello everyone! I'm back!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm fine, for anyone that was wondering.

I have had a lot of work and such to do, and as far as I can tell, This will be my only picture to post until at least wednesday. In the meantime, you can check out my DeviantArt page. (although some of those image could show up on here sooner or later, so you may want to be weary about looking at them on there)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

or not...

It seems I skipped a day again. How did that happen?

well, here are two pictures:

The Depressing Path of Life

I like how creepy the ferris wheel and other carnival rides look in the background of that picture.

Disoriented Spectrum

The reflection in the back window of our van, when parked in the garage.

Friday, September 14, 2007

perhaps every other day would work better...

because it seems that is about the pace I'm putting them up these days. Well, the weekend's here! so, be expecting them everyday for the next couple days.

Adam Ant

Me and Mr. Ray

If you didn't notice, I used musically themed titles today. The first "Adam Ant" is a reference to the name of an 80s band, and the second "Me and Mr. Ray" is a reference to an 80s band (then Miracle Legion, they eventually became "Polaris" and now Mark Mulcahy does solo stuff)'s album.

Not to sound stuck up, or full of myself or anything... but I really really like "Me and Mr. Ray" the title, the image... just everything. It's one of the very very few photos I have taken that I am proud of, and probably the first one that I am proud of just about everything about it, the image, the title, the reference, the lighting... I think it's alright that I mention that, 'cause I did say it's one of the only ones.

and, to make up for all the times I haven't posted pictures, here is a song I've been really enjoying lately. It is "Toxic" by Britney Spears. I know what you're thinking... But it's not by Britney Spears. it is an AMAZING cover of the song on the Ukulele. It blows my mind every time I hear it. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I have.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


English essay last night...
Sorry 'bout that.

Monday, September 10, 2007


I returned home from school today, and checked my email to see if there were any new comments on this blog. I click, and see Royce Addington had left me a comment telling me that I was mentioned on the blog they run (MUSEologies) and said some extremely nice things about me. I would like to start off this post by explaining how extremely giddy I was when I read their comment and blog. I am really excited that in just 18 posts people are beginning to think I have talent. So thank you to Royce, and everyone who has viewed this blog, or has posted a comment, or anything that has supported me. All your comments make me feel extremely happy (Inspired, thank you for watching continuously and posting comments every day, it flatters me) I had no idea I would be getting this kind of attention this quickly. I think I also should thank my aunt for mentioning me on my first day on her blog. Thank you for all of your continued support. I really haven't felt this giddy in months.

Now, on to the photo. I hope I don't disappoint.

Whirlwind in the Sky

Sunday, September 9, 2007

A Y oung Mind

A Young Mind

Because everything seems like magic to a child

Saturday, September 8, 2007



Tomatoes. Vegetables or Fruit? I can tell you, it's technically a fruit, It has seeds.
These ones were particularly juicy.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Dunk (plus yesterday's titles)

the two from yesterday are now called "Slam" for the basketball one and "Anansi" for the spider one. Anansi has to do with the African spider god. and Slam is the one from yesterday, Anansi is for the day before. that matters because today's is called:


Thursday, September 6, 2007


I'm not sure if you noticed, but this photo a day blog plus my homework seems to make for a terrible combination.

to make up for it, here are two pictures. See, the problem is I have 6 hours of homework one night, and zero the next. I always attempt to do three one night, and three the next, but it doesn't always work out like that, and that is when I have to come up with excuses for this blog.

again, very sorry. Just, forgetful, and homework, and those are all my excuses.

two pictures. I'm very tired, so I will come up with titles tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Three Textures, Two colors, One corner

Three Textures, Two Colors, One Corner

This is a corner in my room.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Make a...


Different layout today, for a different title. However, I do not really like this picture. As you can tell the best looking splash is sort of out of focus to the right. if that were only centered and in focus. Oh well, I took about 20 of these while it was raining, and this was the best one. This is in my front yard. The pathway floods a bit when it rains. Looks much deeper here than it actually was though.

An Apology and "The Awakening"

Sorry, I got my days all confused, and thought I had posted a picture yesterday, when in fact, I hadn't.

I'm really sorry, here is yesterday's picture, and todays will come later.

The Awakening

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Budding Beauties, and An Added Bonus Today!

Before I get to the photography, I have an added bonus for lovers of music. My band got together today and recorded a rough mix of a Christmas song we are working on (once finished it will be submitted for consideration for a Christmas album which will include many young local bands). listen to it over at our myspace. we are called "Changes White" the track is called "Christmas rough cut". It doesn't have lyrics on it, but it will in time.

Now for my picture:

Budding Beauties

This was taken on one of the first days I had my camera. I think this was when I used the macro setting for the first time.


Friday, August 31, 2007

A Life of Wonderment

A Life Of Wonderment

This is a picture of my aunt. You may know her as the genius behind "A Dot In Time" and "A Month of Todays". My 16th birthday present from her was a trip to Seattle to see her. It was so much fun, and she let me use her digital camera while there. Regrettably this is not a new picture, if you have seen my DeviantArt gallery, then you have probably seen this before, I'm sorry for that, but I haven't had time recently to take pictures. I will this weekend though. It is a long three-day weekend, so I've got time. Pictures of my aunt always make me wonder what she's thinking...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Clouds Part V: The World Through your Window

The World Through Your Window

So, here it is. My personal favorite of my cloud shots. This is the final cloud picture... Which means I have to figure out what to shoot for tomorrow. I hope you have liked this series. If you didn't, don't worry, here is the end!

If you could answer in comments this question. Do you like the large image size, or would you rather it remain at medium size, like it has been?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Journey to the Unknown

Journey to the Unknown

Sorry I'm a bit late with it today. I woke up this morning late, and barely had enough time to eat and get all my things together before my friend was here to pick me up, so I didn't have any time before school to put it up. I got home about an hour ago, finished all my homework, ate and here it is: Clouds: Part IV

I like this one. I like it A LOT. There is only one that I like more than this one, and you will be seeing it tomorrow. And thus will end my five day cloud series. I hope you've been enjoying it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Early Morning Fluff

Early Morning Fluff

Clouds: Part III - This one was taken on my short trip Saturday. If it were not so dark, I think this one would be better.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hidden Beauty

Hidden Beauty

This was taken on the second day that I had my camera. I like how the sun is just barely poking out from behind the clouds.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Closer Than You Think

Closer Than You Think

I went to a small town near my home yesterday. They have great antique shops. I really thought I would get some great pictures there, but completely forgot I brought my camera with me. All I have are about 4 really really great looking shots of clouds. So for the next few days you may see a similar theme (I will try to choose a better and better one each day, but I don't know, you may end up liking one of the first ones better than the last ones) So, just get ready for an amazing look to the sky this week!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life's Essentials

Life's Essentials

Not Necessarily Tambourine and water, But music and water are two of many of life's essentials. I firmly believe that if there was not music, the world would be a much more horrible place to live in. I think movies and food are also up there as well.

And as an added bonus today, I have updated my writing blog a poem I wrote. So, go check that out as well.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Going Down?

Going Down?

I went with my brother to the airport at five o'clock in the morning. Got a few great pictures out of it, though, so I suppose it wasn't a total waste. This one I was kind of afraid I would drop the camera, I had to lean over the railing on the second floor to get this shot.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

An Overview

I will post a new photo every day, and you can enjoy them right here, with some coffee, or tea, or nothing at all. It's like the wall of a coffee house (hence the name). Constantly getting great new photos, keeping you constantly enthralled (I hope).

Through a Child's Eye