Saturday, October 20, 2007

So, in a freak occurrence, the other morning when I went out to get the paper at 6 in the morning, there was a dense fog settled over everything (although it still felt like 80 degrees out)

So I took this picture.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

awwww.... where'd it go!?

I'm very sorry I haven't posted in a while, and I actually don't see myself posting in at least a few days after today and here is why:

I am completely creatively drained for three reasons, and those reasons are a) I have numerous other creative endeavors I've been working on including my band (which after just two months may have a very good chance of getting support from a severely indie record label here in Austin) b) I have a lot of schoolwork (by the time I'm done with my homework, while I want to do something creative, it's 10:00 at night, and I'm ready to sleep) and finally c) it's just too hot (this is a problem because, I find, I get a large portion of my inspiration from the weather, specifically the beauty of nature. When it's too hot for too long, everything seems very bland, everything seems the same, hot and sticky, and like nothing good is going on, whereas once colder months hit, I will again regain my inspiration through the way the trees look without leaves. Or the way the fog wraps around the curves of the road, and other obstacles, and the headlights emerging from the misty depths that is a cold foggy winter morning).

So, basically, I'm taking pictures, I'm just not thinking any of them are good enough to show to anyone.

I hope you understand, I'm not ignoring this, or forgetting about it, but until inspiration hits me once more, and the photos pour out, it seems to be on hold. Don't stop checking, check once a week, I may throw something up. As Anton Newcombe puts it in the documentary DiG! when asked if the city he moved to was creatively inspiring "I find it dismal" and that is exactly how I feel about the city I'm living in right now.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dead flower...

Friday, October 5, 2007

I was going to post a different picture today, but I gave my friend 15 of my pictures for a project he's working on, and he said this was his favorite. I had never posted it, I had never even thought twice about it, actually, because I thought it was kinda blurry, kinda weird. But he likes it, so here it is, perhaps you will like it as well.


And to make up for lost time these past few weeks:

The Front Line

I chose this title because it appears to me as if the clouds are the front line of an army charging towards their enemy (the sun)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

hello there. I hate two tests today (that was fun...)

I haven't been posting because I've been relaxing and recharging this week, and taking lots of pictures. here is one!


That is actually one of my favorite words: Autumn. That, and Indubitably, and falafel. The three best words in the English language. (although is falafel technically English?)