Monday, December 1, 2008

Untitled Locker Shot

Untitled Locker Shot
Originally uploaded by Mat W.
as I always say when I post something on here. God, it's been so long.

But it really has this time, and I am trying to post more, I really am, but I am in a photo Journalism class which is eating all of my creativity, and very little that comes out of it is good enough to post, because really it's a class to test your ability to make deadlines, not take pictures.

But, anyway, enough of my ranting, check out the new untitled picture.

I just bought a Holga, so I'm hoping that will help to fuel my creativity. I plan on taking it EVERYWHERE with me once I get it, and I mean EVERYWHERE. I will never put it down. I am so excited. I bought it from some company in Europe, though, Lomography, so I probably won't be getting it for a while... express delivery said (a week ago) that if you used it then you would be "guaranteed to get it before christmas", and I did not use that, so I may very well not get it until January... Oh well, exciting anyway.