After some MAJOR editing, I've gotten the picture from yesterday to look halfway decent. (Thanks to Megan for advising me to try photoshopping it, it looks a lot better than it did.)
I suggest clicking this one for full view.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
So, todays picture is cool, but a disappointment for me.
Here is today's picture:
And here is the picture I wanted to be today's, but unfortunately I forgot to turn off my flash, and it reflected off the window:
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
I thought I already posted this, but couldn't find it anywhere, so I guess I didn't.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
This "post every day" concept is still sorta foreign to me. I'm working on it.
This one... I don't know why I like it. something about the lighting and the position of them within the frame. It looks like a picture that would accompany an interview in a magazine or something.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I skipped a couple days. Sunday, and MLK Jr. Day. I think I'll make taking Sunday off a regular thing, and I decided since I had MLK Jr. Day off from school, I wouldn't post. So any holiday I have off from school, will be a day I don't post anything. I may be taking pictures, but I won't post. I think the more rules I make for myself, the better I'll get about posting every day.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I have also recently acquired a Flcikr account, so if anyone is on flickr, add me.
I have put up my limit for this month. My goal is to one day be able to put new ones up on here and on there on the same day, although I don't know if I'll ever be able to catch up. Until then, it's a nice concise way to look at some of my old photography.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I don't know if I like this one or not... I may, but then again I may not. Only time will tell. Perhaps you like it?
Fall is here, hear the yell, back to school, ring the bell, brand new shoes, walking blues, climb the fence, books and pens, I can tell that we are gonna be friends.
That's from a song by The White Stripes. I'm not a huge fan of the White Stripes, but "We are going to be Friends" is a really amazing song.