Friday, August 31, 2007

A Life of Wonderment

A Life Of Wonderment

This is a picture of my aunt. You may know her as the genius behind "A Dot In Time" and "A Month of Todays". My 16th birthday present from her was a trip to Seattle to see her. It was so much fun, and she let me use her digital camera while there. Regrettably this is not a new picture, if you have seen my DeviantArt gallery, then you have probably seen this before, I'm sorry for that, but I haven't had time recently to take pictures. I will this weekend though. It is a long three-day weekend, so I've got time. Pictures of my aunt always make me wonder what she's thinking...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Clouds Part V: The World Through your Window

The World Through Your Window

So, here it is. My personal favorite of my cloud shots. This is the final cloud picture... Which means I have to figure out what to shoot for tomorrow. I hope you have liked this series. If you didn't, don't worry, here is the end!

If you could answer in comments this question. Do you like the large image size, or would you rather it remain at medium size, like it has been?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Journey to the Unknown

Journey to the Unknown

Sorry I'm a bit late with it today. I woke up this morning late, and barely had enough time to eat and get all my things together before my friend was here to pick me up, so I didn't have any time before school to put it up. I got home about an hour ago, finished all my homework, ate and here it is: Clouds: Part IV

I like this one. I like it A LOT. There is only one that I like more than this one, and you will be seeing it tomorrow. And thus will end my five day cloud series. I hope you've been enjoying it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Early Morning Fluff

Early Morning Fluff

Clouds: Part III - This one was taken on my short trip Saturday. If it were not so dark, I think this one would be better.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hidden Beauty

Hidden Beauty

This was taken on the second day that I had my camera. I like how the sun is just barely poking out from behind the clouds.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Closer Than You Think

Closer Than You Think

I went to a small town near my home yesterday. They have great antique shops. I really thought I would get some great pictures there, but completely forgot I brought my camera with me. All I have are about 4 really really great looking shots of clouds. So for the next few days you may see a similar theme (I will try to choose a better and better one each day, but I don't know, you may end up liking one of the first ones better than the last ones) So, just get ready for an amazing look to the sky this week!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life's Essentials

Life's Essentials

Not Necessarily Tambourine and water, But music and water are two of many of life's essentials. I firmly believe that if there was not music, the world would be a much more horrible place to live in. I think movies and food are also up there as well.

And as an added bonus today, I have updated my writing blog a poem I wrote. So, go check that out as well.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Going Down?

Going Down?

I went with my brother to the airport at five o'clock in the morning. Got a few great pictures out of it, though, so I suppose it wasn't a total waste. This one I was kind of afraid I would drop the camera, I had to lean over the railing on the second floor to get this shot.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

An Overview

I will post a new photo every day, and you can enjoy them right here, with some coffee, or tea, or nothing at all. It's like the wall of a coffee house (hence the name). Constantly getting great new photos, keeping you constantly enthralled (I hope).

Through a Child's Eye